On the 9th of March, EVA President Anke Schierholz joined the “European Discoverability Forum : A matter for all in the Cultural and Creative Sectors” at the European Parliament, hosted by MEPs Ibán García Del Blanco, Alexis Georgoulis and Niklas Nienaß, organized by European Coalition and supported by the Cultural and Creative Friendship Group.
The event aimed at exploring the concept of discoverability and promotion of European works across several cultural and creative sectors, and finding common definitions for a concept playing an important role in determining the artists’ chances of success.
Anke Schierholz participated in the first panel ‘Discoverability: a concept that affects all sectors’, bringing the point of view of visual artists. She stated that ‘Discoverability allows artists to promote themselves to a wider audience through social media, personal websites, museum collections or image agencies. However, visibility alone does not allow artists to have an adequate income and thus unfold cultural diversity. There is a need for licences that guarantee fair remuneration and respect for copyright, and European legislation can certainly play a key role in this respect.”
The forum was an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences and raise awareness about the precarious conditions of artists in all sectors.