

EVA’s community continues to grow: welcoming OSDEETE

At the EVA General Assembly held in June 2024, members approved the application of OSDEETE, one of the Greeks Collective Management Organisations (CMO). OSDEETE, founded in 1995 at the initiative of the Greek Chamber of Fine Arts and officially licensed by the Greek Ministry of Culture in 1997, operates as a non-profit cooperative self-managed by its members. It oversees the copyrights of Greek visual artists and other members both nationally [...]


Creators’ rights organisations call for drastic cut in Finland’s private copying compensation to be reversed

European and international associations of authors’ collective management organisations in the audiovisual, music, text and visual art’s sectors – CISAC, EVA, IFRRO, GESAC and the SAA – have been informed about the recent cut in the private copying compensation in Finland and joined forces to express their great concern on behalf of both the Finnish authors and all European/international authors community whose rights are represented in Finland through our [...]


WIPO SCCR45: limitations and exceptions must not interfere with authors’ rights to remuneration

Last week, EVA Secretary General Carola Streul was in Geneva for the 45th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights to advocate for artists’ rights worldwide. The EVA secretariat submitted two statements on exceptions and limitations, one on cross-border uses for research and educational purposes, and the other one on libraries and archives education and research. The Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) members of EVA recognize [...]


The European Parliament adopts the first legal framework on AI

EVA welcomes the adoption of the AI Act by the European Parliament, which represents a key milestone in safeguarding the moral and economic rights of artists and enhancing their unique creativity in the digital age. The law, which is the first-ever AI regulation, paves the way for a more responsible development, governance, and application of artificial intelligence, based on the respect of the fundamental rights that underpin our society. [...]


European creators and rightsholders support the adoption of the AI Act

Ahead of the vote on the AI Act at the COREPER meeting on the 2nd of February, EVA joins forces with over two hundred organisations from the European creative and cultural sectors to call for the adoption of the AI Act. The AI Act lays the foundation for the respect of the rights of authors in the age of generative AI, providing transparency standards and calling on the respect of [...]


CIAGP Resolution on protecting visual artists’ rights in the age of AI

On 27 and 28 November, the International Council of Creators of Graphic, Plastic and Photographic Arts (CIAGP) convened in Paris for its traditional annual gathering. Creative sector experts from all over the world took part in the two-day conference to explore how CMOs can further protect and enhance the rights of visual artists, which are severely challenged by digital transformation.


Raising awareness on the implications of AI: the EVA AI manifesto

Artificial Intelligence is a tremendous tool that can effectively support and enhance visual artists’ special and distinctive creativity. However, the growing presence of this new technology in the cultural and creative sectors brings major challenges to which policymakers must react in order to protect the moral and economic rights of authors, which are endangered by AI.


EVA statement on the AI Act ahead of the plenary vote

European Visual Artists (EVA) is the single voice of European visual artists, promoting European creativity by raising awareness about artists’ rights and their precarious livelihoods across Europe. We welcome the “Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on Artificial intelligence” (AI Act), as new AI technologies allow for new possibilities. At the same time, AI hurts human artists if not properly regulated.


EVA welcomes three new CMOs, bringing the number of members and observers to 31

EVA is pleased to announce that three new observers will join its ranks, expanding the network of Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) for visual arts in Europe and beyond. The new observers will be able to take part in EVA’s activities, as agreed by the members during the last General Assemblies and in accordance with the statutes of the association.

  • Artificial Intelligence Visual Artist

EVA Statement on Artificial Intelligence

EVA welcomes the “Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on Artificial intelligence” (AI Act), as there is an urgent need to identify risks and regulate uses related to AI. [...]


EVA participation at WIPO SCCR43

Last week, EVA participated in the 43rd session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights. Several topics of relevance to EVA were debated during the week of discussions attended by national delegations, IGOs and NGOs from all over the world. Whereas the first part of the SCCR was dedicated to the “Protection of broadcasting organisations”, the second part focused on the issue of “Limitations and Exceptions”. [...]


European Discoverability Forum: a matter for all in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

On the 9th of March, EVA President Anke Schierholz joined the “European Discoverability Forum : A matter for all in the Cultural and Creative Sectors” at the European Parliament, hosted by MEPs Ibán García Del Blanco, Alexis Georgoulis and Niklas Nienaß, organized by European Coalition and supported by the Cultural and Creative Friendship Group. The event aimed at exploring the concept of discoverability and promotion of European works across [...]

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Roundtable – Best practices fighting online piracy. The case of Spain.

On 31st January, a round table was held in the European Parliament on 'Best practices fighting online piracy. The case of Spain'. EVA's Board member and VEGAP Director General, Javier Gutiérrez Vicén, contributed to the discussion by bringing the point of view of the visual artists, who are self-employed and, due to piracy, suffer greater damages.


Report – EVA 25th Anniversary

The report of the conference "EVA 25th - Ensuring a fair future for visual artists" is now available! On 28 September 2022, EVA celebrated its 25th anniversary with a special day dedicated to the rights of visual artists. Several artists, CMOs and representatives from European and international institutions gathered in Brussels to discuss the problems visual artists experience in their daily lives. The conference report is available here. Happy [...]



EVA welcomes the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on case C-401/19 as it dismisses Poland’s claim that Article 17 of the Digital Single Market Directive 2019/790 (also known as the DSM directive) would not be compatible with the freedom of expression and information of users of online content sharing services providers (OCSSPs), guaranteed in Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

  • Ukraine

EVA’s statement on Ukraine

EVA strongly condemns the unjustified Russian military aggression of Ukraine, and the ruthless and inhuman acts currently occurring in the country. In these dark times, we steadfastly support creativity as a means of expression that needs peace and freedom to flourish and uplift humanity. We say no to war. #WeStandWithUkraine



EVA welcomes the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on case C-392/19 as it clarifies when framing practices on the internet (also known as “embedding”) amount to communication to the public within the meaning of the InfoSoc directive 2001/29.



SOFAM, one of EVA's members in Belgium, has launched an exceptional support fund to help members who find themselves in dire straits as a result of the current health emergency.

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Covid-19 will be catastrophic for Visual Artists. Let’s protect them!

This year started with an unprecedented crisis which rapidly swept throughout the whole world touching many aspects of our communities: health, economy, cultural events. Even every-day social relations are being restricted for public health reasons, to avert the expansion of the pandemic and finally get our lives back to normality. During this time of lockdowns in Europe and around the world, all economic sectors are impacted to some extent [...]


EVA at ArtOnPaper 2019

Every year, SOFAM, one of EVA's members in Belgium, awards a Prize for Best Solo Show at Art on Paper. EVA attended the award ceremony.



260+ international organisations representing copyright stakeholders call on the the Council and the European Parliament to adopt the Copyright Directive.


Joint Appeal on Controlled Digital Lending

As working writers, translators, photographers, and graphic artists; as unions, organizations, and federations representing the creators of works included in published books; as book publishers; and as reproduction rights and public lending rights organizations; we oppose so-called “Controlled Digital Lending” (CDL) as a flagrant violation of copyright and authors’ rights.


Content for Education

A BALANCED COPYRIGHT FRAMEWORK IS THE KEY TO INNOVATIVE, DIVERSE, HIGH QUALITY CONTENT FOR EDUCATIONIt is important that educators can rely on high quality, validated content. Public policies should encourage the production of local content, which guarantees the cultural diversity and the autonomy of Member States’ educational systems. A rich variety of content produced by the publishing sector reflecting different points of view is essential to democracy and freedom [...]


Europe for Creators

Digital economic powers continue to profit as working artists struggle to make ends meet. By refusing to give artists a say and by not paying properly for using their art, current artists are being hurt and the dreams of future creators are being extinguished. The gap between the revenue generated by the Internet Platforms and the money they give to the creators, responsible for their success, is not fairly shared. But it’s not just the livelihoods of [...]


Resale Right campaign

The resale right is a fundamental right for authors of graphic and plastic arts. It consists of a small percentage of the resale price that art market professionals pay to them at each resale of their works be it in auction or in a gallery. The specificity of visual artists is that their primary source of income is the material selling of their original works. While auction houses and galleries [...]



Kate Mayne addressing the Members of the European Parliament about the realities of artists' lives, in the context of the vote on Copyright Reform and the importance of fair remuneration for artists.



The Legal affairs Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament has adopted the report on the Directive on copyright in the digital single market last week by a clear majority.



On the 28 of February, under the kind patronage of MEP Giorgos Grammatikakis and MEP Therese Comodini-Cachia, European Visual Artists hosted a seminar focused on the visual authors’ rights to remuneration and recognition from their works in the digital space.
