Artificial Intelligence is a tremendous tool that can effectively support and enhance visual artists’ special and distinctive creativity. However, the growing presence of this new technology in the cultural and creative sectors brings major challenges to which policymakers must react in order to protect the moral and economic rights of authors, which are endangered by AI.
Among the awareness-raising activities on the issue, EVA drafted a manifesto outlining the main points to ensure that AI develops in a responsible and humane way, including:
- Copyright as a fundamental right to property as provided for by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the EU charter of fundamental rights;
- Transparency in letting artists know if and how their works are used;
- The importance of prior consent and fair remuneration;
- The need to stop the expansion of copyright exceptions;
- Possible licensing solutions offered by CMOs.
We stand for human-centred AI. We stand for human visual artists.
Download the EVA AI manifesto here.
Read our legal paper here.