SAIF, one of our members in France, is in the frontline to support visual artists
SAIF, a French collective management society and EVA member representing around 7000 visual artists, is playing an essential role in the support of creators during this COVID 19 crisis. It allocated € 200,000 from its own cultural actions budget to the emergency aid of artists and authors via the following funds:
- The CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques) exceptional fund, and
- The CNL(Centre National du Livre) emergency fund.
Furthermore, the visual art and fixed image authors society has voiced a request to the French Government, asking it to consolidate its support system for artists in the visual arts. Indeed, even though the state started providing financial support, as of the 18th March 2020, to SMEs and other players in the cultural and creative sector, a large majority of visual artists were left out.
In the meantime, the SAIF has maintained its annual contests and is inviting artists to participate :
– « Les femmes s’exposent » photography contest, with a prize of 3000€ and up to 1500€ in coverage of production costs, for which participation is possible until the 17th of May. See more here.
– The « Camille Lepage prize » which rewards photojournalism and offers the possibility of winning 8000€. The deadline for participation is the 18th May at midnight. (Read more…)
– And lastly, the « Laurent Troude Fund » with the objective of rewarding young photographers under the age of 30. The application period has been prolonged until the 25 May to facilitate participation during this crisis. (More info).