Visual Authors’ Rights to Digital Value
European Visual Artists and their collective management organisations hosted a seminar focusing on the draft Digital Single Market directive on copyright.
The seminar took place on Tuesday 28th of February, from 12:00 to 14:00 in the European Parliament in room A7F387 and has covered a wide range of topics that have an impact on authors’ rights:
Transfer of value and platform liability
Evaluating how collective management helps authors to share benefits gained with their works by online platforms
Framing and embedding technology
Identifying the negative consequences following the recent EUCJ decisions (Svensson, Bestwater, GS Media). The EVA Brochure on framing was also distributed.
Collective management organizations solutions
Ensuring that Cultural Heritage institutions and other users have access to works and guaranteed remunerations for authors.
The seminar was steered by Rapporteur MEP Therese Comodini-Cachia, MEP Giorgos Grammatikakis and MEP Jean-Marie Cavada as well as other members of the European Parliament. Attendants had an opportunity to discuss with artists, photographers and their collective management organizations, as follows:
Artists: Perico Pastor (Painter, Spain), Hervé di Rosa (Painter, President of CIAGP, France), Werner Schaub (Painter, President of IAA/AIAP, Germany), C-215 (Street Artist, France);
Collective Management Organisations’ Representatives: Marie-Anne Ferry-Fall (President of EVA), Vincent van den Eijnde(Pictoright, The Netherlands), Alfonso Gutierrez (CEPIC), Anke Schierholz (VG-Bild-Kunst, Germany)
EVA Secretary General Carola Streul was the seminar’s moderator.