At the EVA General Assembly held in June 2024, members approved the application of OSDEETE, one of the Greeks Collective Management Organisations (CMO).

OSDEETE, founded in 1995 at the initiative of the Greek Chamber of Fine Arts and officially licensed by the Greek Ministry of Culture in 1997, operates as a non-profit cooperative self-managed by its members. It oversees the copyrights of Greek visual artists and other members both nationally and internationally, through reciprocity agreements with foreign copyright organisations. OSDEETE currently has 688 members and represents tens of thousands of visual artists.

OSDEETE manages both collective rights, such as reprography, private copying, and public lending, as well as individual rights, including reproduction, resale, and making available rights. It handles agreements, issues licenses, and takes necessary actions to ensure the legal use of works and protect authors’ intellectual property. In cases of copyright violations, OSDEETE is authorised and obligated to defend these rights, including the ability to monitor and gather information on potential infringements.

With OSDEETE’s inclusion, EVA now totals 32 members and observers. By joining the EVA community, OSDEETE becomes part of a robust network developed through years of expertise and dedicated to advocating for artists’ rights at the highest levels of the European Union. EVA members benefit from exclusive information, specialised working groups, and collaborative fora to address emerging challenges, all aimed at securing fair compensation for visual artists.

Carola Streul, EVA Secretary General, commented, “Expanding our membership base enriches our exchanges with fresh perspectives and experiences. We are thrilled that OSDEETE will now participate in EVA’s numerous activities and contribute its unique insights, which are crucial for EVA’s mission in advocating visual artists’ rights within European institutions.

Dimitris Sarafianos, Director-Legal Councelor at OSDEETE, stated “OSDEETE firmly believes that the cooperation between European visual artists and CMOs is an essential prerequisite for safeguarding authors’ rights in an era of global threats.  We are proud to be a member of EVA. Only by uniting forces and exchanging information and best practices, we can defend author’s rights.”



Susanna Brozzu, Communication Officer